EPIC to address professional sport’s ‘Leaders’ in Texas

EPIC Risk Management will deliver the need for gambling harm education and awareness in elite sport to some of the biggest institutions in the industry as they proudly take their place as Main Partner at this week’s Leaders Meet in Texas.
Top executives from the foremost sports clubs, leagues and governing bodies will be part of the two day event (June 7-8) at Globe Life Field in Arlington – home of Major League Baseball’s Texas Rangers.
The leading gambling-harm minimisation consultancy will play a key role in the events taking place around the summit – which focuses on ‘People Development’ – by hosting a networking lunch to facilitate round-table discussions and enjoying a strong branding presence throughout the venue.
The ballpark hosting the event, delivered by Leaders in Sport, will be familiar territory for EPIC’s programme facilitator Ryan Tatusko, who was drafted by Texas Rangers and played seven years of professional baseball with their affiliated organisations. He will be addressing the audience to share his lived experience story of how gambling-related harm affected him and his family throughout the course of his professional career in both the US and South Korea, via a session entitled ‘What role can staff and teammates play in creating a culture of mental wellness, and remove certain stigmas that contribute to poor mental health?’.
Also joining him from EPIC are senior director John Millington and head of business development Mike Holinski, who will be available to speak with delegates and explain the value of adopting organisation-wide safer gambling practices for the benefit of players, staff and supporters alike.
“The release of our Gambling Harm Prevention in Sport Review white paper earlier this year has created considerable discussion within professional sport, having set out ten conclusions and recommendations on how to reduce the risk of gambling-related harm within the industry,” explained Holinski.
“With that coinciding with a recent media focus on sporting integrity issues, it means that now is the optimum time for discussions to take place around how sporting organisations can collaborate with like-minded institutions to put steps in place to protect the individuals within their care.
“We hope to spark plenty of informed discussion through our presence at Leaders Meet in Texas and look forward to furthering some of the momentum we generated when we were able to present this topic at their previous event in Toronto, earlier this year.
“It is our pleasure to be working with Leaders in Sport as their Main Partner for this key event and ensuring that incorporating knowledge and awareness around the risks of gambling harm will be a key takeaway for the delegates attending to discuss the focus topic of ‘people development’.”
Any delegates wishing to set up an informal discussion with EPIC regarding our range of services for the sports industry during the Leaders Meet event are welcome to email Mike Holinski via mholinski@epicriskmanagement.com to make arrangements.