EPIC – 2021 in review

As 2021 draws to a close, the traditional time for reflection on the year gone by is upon us once again, with EPIC Risk Management having been through one of the most significant 12-month periods in the organisation’s history.
Top of the headlines for the company have been some global highlights, including a big impression on the US scene during March’s Problem Gambling Awareness Month, the autumn lunch of the innovative new Pro Sport Advisory Board and a big move with just one month of the year remaining as the gambling harm minimisation ecosystem of the USA came together in one place for the first time, thanks to our Player Protection Symposium in New York, focusing entirely on harm prevention.
Aside from the pioneering developments and thought leadership we have exhibited throughout 2021, there has also been a constant daily effort from our whole team to share the message of making gambling safer to thousands of people throughout the year. The collective rolling up of the sleeves has allowed us to benefit and improve an ever-increasing number of lives this year, with a welcome return to widespread face-to-face delivery having an even more positive impact on our delivery.
With the miles covered, the presentations delivered and the message safely absorbed, here’s a taste of how our combined efforts have made a telling impact over the past year in three of our key pillars, education, pro sport and professional services consultancy…
Education In Numbers…
Total Number of sessions across education in 2021: 238 (54.2% state schools, 45.8% independent schools)
Total number of schools across education in 2021: 191 (53.9% state, 46.1% independent)
Total number of pupils directly seen: 36,447 (49.5% state, 50.5% independent)
Education Snippets…
– Completion of a ground-breaking two-year programme in state school education across 200 schools in the UK.
– Start of an independently funded annual holistic education programme across 200 state schools nationally in collaboration with Whysup and Teen Tips. This provides parent, staff and pupil education and awareness through face to face and online delivery.
– Continuation of important partnerships and collaborations with the BSA (Boarding Schools Association), SACPA (Safeguarding and Child Protection Association), ABSA (Australian Boarding Schools Assocation), RecoverMe, Intenta, Teen Tips and of course our great friends and colleagues at Whysup.
– Expansion of our work in other sectors where we have worked with some big corporate organisations including the largest commercial property company in the UK, delivering sessions on Europe’s largest construction site and engaging with the NHS at a time where they need and deserve our support more than ever.
– We have also continued to be socially, and purpose driven by offering sessions at no cost to organisations that cannot afford to pay for our services across the charity sector, with organisations such as the women’s institute and in many underprivileged areas.
Pro Sport In Numbers…
Total Number of sessions/squads addressed across pro sport in 2021: 128
Total number of athletes seen: 2,049
No. of sessions with First Teams / Academy Squads / Coaching Teams: 94
No. of players / staff in attendance: 1,624
No. of sessions with PCA Men’s Seniors, Men’s Academies and Women’s Seniors: 30
No. of players in attendance: 360
No of sessions with TASS athletes, New South Wales Men’s / Women’s cricket and Chelsea FC Academy: 4
No. of players / athletes in attendance: 65
Pro Sport Snippets…
– A new focus for the majority of EFL sessions in the second half of the year has seen us presenting to the key backroom staff across the league’s 72 member clubs, meaning that renowned managers, coaches and administrators from throughout football are learning the key message of how gambling harm can affect performance and how to recognise the potential signs of the issue within their squad.
– Launched the Pro Sport Advisory Board with nine members representing pro sport, eSports and the gambling industry to ensure that the needs of the gambling harm minimisation ecosystem within these sectors are discussed and supported by those with the power to make a difference. Just short of 1,000 UK news organisations carried the news of the concept’s launch, including pieces broadcast or published via BBC, ITV, Talk Sport, The Times and i.
– Extended our sponsorship of undefeated professional cruiserweight boxer and gambling harm minimisation advocate Nathan Quarless after a successful first two years.
Consultancy In Numbers…
Courses Delivered: 65
Gambling Industry Professionals Reached: 1,000
Biggest Programme By Attendance: 520 attendees (Interactions Masterclass in Sept/Oct)
Biggest Projected Reach For A Project Developed This Year: 24,000 employees (‘Virtual Studio’)
Consultancy Snippets…
– Became lead consultants for Entain on the most advanced technology for early detection of harm (ARC).
– Delivered gambling harm minimisation training contracts for Entain, Kindred and Casumo, as well as consultation on the biggest online gambling sites across the UK.
– Provided evidence to the Government’s reviews on loot boxes and the Gambling Act.
– Delivered our first innovation projects.
– Conducted a first of its kind language survey amongst lived experience community.
We also supported good causes from grass roots sports teams to art materials to prisons to supporting great charities such as the Mintridge Foundation and suicide charity Paul’s Place. This was in addition to a hugely successful first year for our very own EPIC Restart Foundation which has helped to improve and transform the lives of 70+ people who have been severely affected by gambling addiction. We will continue to invest heavily in good causes in 2022 and on a more global scale.
That’s just a taste of where we’ve been in 2021, and with exciting plans to dramatically extend our reach in 2022, we can’t wait to unveil the latest positives that we’re looking to generate over the course of the new year ahead.